Power Enterprise Payroll Software is a fully integrated web base Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) that enables companies to manage the entire organization process from one central location while streamlining operations and improving productivity in ways that were previously not possible. In essence, Power Enterprise serves as a central communication point for all the activities in the organization.
Power Enterprise handles purchasing, inventory management, sales order processing, production, Human Resources, administrative overhead and all the accounting and financial activities.
One of the most important aspects of an organization is the Human Resource. To make work easy in this field, we have a business software (Power Employee Manager) that can computerize this process and the use of this payroll software reduces the costs of hiring employees for managing a company’s payroll.
This payroll software improves the company’s human resource efficiency and effectiveness.
The software reduces the workload.
It assists in elimination of human errors and as a result, improves effectiveness and consistency.
The payroll software is also capable of generating reports and data that assists in making decisions on HR related matters.
Below are the various advantages of the Power Employee Manager software:
- Unlimited earning and deduction for payroll process
- User defined payroll formula definition
- Company and legislative specific tax computation
- Time sheet Entry
- Overtime management
- Quick and easy setup
- It is simple and user friendly
- Flexible Payroll Processing Period
- Unlimited Classification and Sub-classification of Employees for comprehensive reporting
- Seamless integration with accounts – no disjoint between Payroll and Accounts
- Facility to provide User-defined Earning and Deduction Heads
- Loan Management
- Support for Attendance/Production/Time based remuneration
- Multiple PFA (Pension Fund Administrator)
- Employee Management
- Recruitment process
- Leave Tracking
- Training scheduling and recommendation
- Balance score card and appraisal
- Self-services
Below are screen shot from the HR & PAYROLL module which has the SETUP icon that sets up the payroll for the company. The setup icon includes Profile, Academic, Personnel, Financials and utility.
Pictures from the setup icon are found below;
- Setting up the profile of the company for example the departments, Currency, company policy, payroll report template, division setup etc.
- Setting up the academic details of the employee which includes course type, qualification type, qualification class etc.
- Setting up the Personnel’s information like nationality, language, marital status, job class etc.
- Setting up the financials of the employee like payment type, currency, Type of PFA etc.
- Setting up utility for change of employees ID
Also there are options for;
- Creation of new employees
- Approval of new employees
- Leave management.
The benefits of using Power Employee module includes faster cycle time, better on –time delivery rate, reduced administrative overhead, lower labor and material cost, improved productivity and more. Power Employee manager also enables organizations to manage the numbers in real time (instead of at the end of the month) so that management can make better decisions for the long term with cutting edge advantage for an organization to be more efficient and ultimately, more profitable.